SG U3074 10p Dull Orange MPIL M21L, Dark Shading (Cartor)


Brand: Royal Mail

Code: U3074M21Ldark

Stamp Description: 10p Dull Orange

Stanley Gibbons Ref: U3074

Security Code: MPIL

Year Code: M21L

Issued In: DY38

Printing: Cartor Litho

Other Information:

There are 4 options available for U3074 MPIL M21L:

  1. "Dark" Shading - Issued in DY38
  2. "Whiter" Shading - Issued in DY39
  3. "Orange" Shading - Issued in DY41
  4. "Bright" Shading - Issued in DY42

These all feature variations in the depth of shading in the Queen's head, along with overall tone differences in the colour of the stamp.

For other GB Stamps Issues related to U3074, see Associated Products linked below.


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